Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 88/365 - A Zhu Zhu Zoo

No I did not just sneeze into my computer. These toys may seem cute and cuddly. My kids love playing with them. They move around the house bumping into walls and making funny noises. However, it's not funny at 2AM because someone forgot to shut a sleeping one off. It wasn't moving around, just making noise. Unfortunately they were all bunched together in a pile on the floor. Trying to figure out which one was making the noise was very frustrating while i was half comatose. I picked one up and pushed the button to shut it off. Well, that is also the on button. So all these noises started happening. Oh the humanity.

Anyways... I hope you enjoy the photo. Next time I shoot a Zhu Zhu Pet, it won't be with a camera.

