Sunday, May 15, 2011

Apple Products are great but...

With the new addition to my gadget family, the MacBook Pro has proven to be well worth the money. However, when I got it home I expected to be able to hook it up to my desktop monitor to use dual screens which would you would think would be easy to do. I mean, ever since I have used a PC laptop, and that is for many many years, I was able to just plug the VGA cable from my monitor directly into the laptop and it worked immediately. Since I am not up to snuff on how Apple treats it's customers, although I should be since I own an iPhone and iPad, I did not realize that Apple would stiff me a cable for connecting the MacBook to my monitor. After spending too much money (about 2 1/2 times more than a PC laptop) you would think they would throw in the freaking $20.00 cable.

Don't get me wrong, they make a really nice laptop computer, I just wish they weren't trying to nickel and dime their customers. It's just not right. But I guess if people are buying the products and the accessories, then they will continue to try to screw us out of a few more dollars.

Am I whining? Yes of course. Will it matter? Probably not. But I am here to let others that have not yet decided to hop on the Apple band wagon and let them know what to expect. I mean if the freaking "Genius" as they call them, told me that I needed an extra cable to hook to a monitor at some point, I would have known that before i opened the box at home to be disappointed. Wouldn't you think Apple wants the customer to be happy when opening the box. They sure make it look pretty when you do.

OK, that's my rant for today. Until next time. Help Ya Later!