Another thing that bugs the heck out of me is for the school my son attends and soon my daughter, there are only about 20 parents that donate baked goods and volunteer for the day. That is 20 parents out of 500 families. Am I missing something here? How about instead of an unrecognized bake sale, why don't families step forward and donate $1.00. That is change in your car, or in your seat cushion at home. If this happens on a monthly basis, then that is $500.00 per month for the public school your children are attending for free plus the taxes you pay which never seem to find their way to the school system at least from I can tell. $1.00 a month is really not a lot to ask for.
Thank you to everyone who participates in the fund raisers and I hope more people step up to the plate for their children.
Anyways... That is enough ranting for today. I hope you enjoy this photo. These brownies will bring in about $18.00 to the school and an additional $18.00 donated from me if they all sell, which I don't doubt that they will.
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