Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 90/365 - It's Almost Race Day!

I now have my Pinewood Derby car all ready to go. So after the scouts race this Saturday, the parents bring out their cars and have a little fun too. Perfectly weighed in at 5oz, however, I left room for adjustment in case the race day scale is a little off.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 89/365 - Welcome Sign

This is a sign my wife bought, probably at Kohls ;) I always likes this phrase, it says so much with just six words. I remember a sign similar to this at a local restaurant near where I grew up and hung out as a kid.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 88/365 - A Zhu Zhu Zoo

No I did not just sneeze into my computer. These toys may seem cute and cuddly. My kids love playing with them. They move around the house bumping into walls and making funny noises. However, it's not funny at 2AM because someone forgot to shut a sleeping one off. It wasn't moving around, just making noise. Unfortunately they were all bunched together in a pile on the floor. Trying to figure out which one was making the noise was very frustrating while i was half comatose. I picked one up and pushed the button to shut it off. Well, that is also the on button. So all these noises started happening. Oh the humanity.

Anyways... I hope you enjoy the photo. Next time I shoot a Zhu Zhu Pet, it won't be with a camera.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 87/365 - Blue Jay

I saw this little guy out side our window. I didn't have time to get out on the deck to take it, so I took the shot right through the windows and screen. Surprisingly enough, it came out alright. Let me know what you think. I will get more shots of wildlife when the weather gets a little warmer.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 86/365 - Don't Be Blue

Please don't be blue if you can't figure what this one is and how I shot it. But please give it a shot :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Photo of my Daughter

I was trying out my new Nikor 55-300 with close up shots of my daughter Jenna. No editing has been done with this photo.

Day 85/365 - Tiny Chef on the iPhone

My daughter Jenna plays this game on her mother's iPhone. She cooks things and my son pretends to eat them by tapping the screen.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 84/365 - Tunnel Effect

I want some participation for this photo. Please tell me what you think this is and how I snapped it. If you get it right, you'll get a nice Bounty. ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 83/365 - The Rock Gatherer

My daughter picked up some rocks at her school and decided to bring them home. Perfect photo opportunity. My wife put the rocks together with other various objects. She has a better design eye than I do.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 82/365 - Taking Photo's While Hungry

They say never go shopping while you're hungry. Well if you are doing a 365 project and you are hungry you tend to take photo's of food. Just make sure it's healthy food like this apple. Oh so yummy!

NOTE: One apple was harmed during the taking of this photo, but it will pass ;)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 81/365 - Pinewood Derby Mouse Car!

Tonight at Cub Scouts we put the wheels on Ryan's Pinewood Derby car. Two more weeks until race time. I will also be making one for the Pack 70 parents race.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 80/365 - All Tied Up!

Ok, so you may look at this photo and say, "What the heck was he thinking?" As you may know, I like showing texture and patterns in my photo's, and my wife's foot was readily available with sneakers on, so I took it! Some would say that this photo is a shoe-in.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 79/365 - Furry Little Animal

I was going out for some nature shots in the back yard this afternoon and spotted this little guy staring right at me. I think he is the one that has been living in my shed over the winter. It's time to collect some rent! No free loaders allowed!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 78/365 - The Super Lego Fair

My Son loves it when I use his photo's for this project. He always makes some cool creations. This is a remake of his last project. This is called The Super Lego Fair. Great Job Ryan!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 77/365 - Who Has The T.V. Remote?

I guess my dog Bindy fell asleep while watching "Dog Whisperer". Maybe she was thinking... "Those dogs are weak, bring it on Cesar. Wake me when you're ready to 'rehabilitate me'. "

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 76/365 - Blurry Can Look Cool

!365mike   So I was trying to get a photo of my back lit keyboard on my laptop, however, i didn't have much luck. Who'd a thunk my worst photo was the one I would use. I did some cropping and rotating but that's just about all the editing I did to get this artsy photo.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 75/365 - Air Hockey!

My son Ryan had a family fun night for his school. Ryan loves air hockey so I got an ok shot with my iPhone. So I doctored it up a little bit to make it less blurry. At least I captured a moment of fun!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 74/365 - This Seems A LIttle Fishy

Another great snack for the kids in this household. I don't remember having colorful fish crackers when I was young. They were always those plain yellow ones, which I could eat a whole bag full in no time at all.

Look at this picture closely. It seemed that a couple of fish were actually saying "cheese" and smiling.

NOTE: No animals were eaten nor harmed in the making of this photo.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 73/365 - Levitating or Flying?

It's funny how I captured my kids jumping. Look at my son Ryan (left), it look's like he's levitating but at the same time, my daughter Jenna (right) looks like she's flapping her arms to fly. This photo shows you how you can use photography to quickly capture something to make it look like something completely different. Now if I could take a photo of my wallet and make it look like there's a million dollars in it, that would be a neat trick. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 72/365 - The Lego Fair By Ryan Tartaglia

My son Ryan wanted me to take a picture of his creation that he calls "The Lego Fair". I guess that's where you can see different animals and attractions. It's small to us, but in his mind it's a whole world.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 71/365 - Peanut Butter Balls!

These are the best treats ever made! I got lucky marrying someone that loves to bake! If you want the recipe, just let me know!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 70/365 - Reflections of Bottles

My wife bought some cool looking glass bottles at the local Christmas Tree Shop (don't you just love a bargain?). So I put them on a glass table to mess around with reflections. Tell me what you think!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 69/365 - Snack Mix

Here is another favorite snack of the house. Even though I didn't eat ANY of these before, during or after the shoot, I was very thirsty at the end of it. Just look at the photo, you can see all the salt on them. 330mg per serving to be exact.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 68/365 - Yummy Shot!

These are very popular with our kids. A bag of these don't last long in the house. I liked having a shot that required only black and white from the start.

I called this the "Yummy Shot!" because, do you see the one in the middle? That was really yummy!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 67/365 - Time To Take The Meds

This day brought nothing but sickness. I had a high fever for most of the day. I am prepared now for tonight's sleep and hopefully I can return to work tomorrow.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 66/365 - Flower And Home Show

My wife and daughter went to the Flower and Home Show. Besides hot tub and window replacement pamphlets, my wife picked up this cool look (not real) flowing plant. I took a ton of shots but with a little photo editing, I was able to create a cool looking effect. Please let me know what you think.

Oh yea, my wife now wants a hot tub. Who am I to argue?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 65/365 - Multiple Reflections In Water

Can you believe I only have 300 more days of this?
This photo is a very close up shot of water drops. Each show a reflection of the same thing but with a slight difference in each of them depending on how big and the shape of the water drop. IT shows a reflection of... Wait you tell me what you see.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 64/365 - Date Night!

I know what you're thinking? Why am I taking a photo of ticket stubs? Well, one of the things a project like this can do is document special days where you did something out of the norm? That being said, I thank very much my parents who watched our two children while Sabrina and I went out on a movie date. This movie was really funny, as most Adam Sandler movies are. We had a lot of laughs together so I wanted to make sure I marked this day down.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 63/365 - The Drip

My wife had the idea to capture running water. As always, she was right. It looks pretty cool. I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 62/365 - Bindy's My Dawg!

With the tips from Cesar Millan aka: The Dog Whisperer, I think Bindy and me are starting new. At first BIndy had some sort of problem with me where i could make her pee on demand by simply calling her to me. She would come up to me a submissive walk squatting and peeing at the same time as she approached me. She would make it to me, but with a trail of pee. That has stopped recently, but I think before we rescued her when she was beaten, probably by the man of the house I'm guessing. So now with some simple trust training, teaching her to give me her paw, which she wouldn't do for anyone, and our daily walk for exercise, things completely changed between us. It didn't take long, but I know there is a lot more work to be done. She truly is a good dog.

Hail To Cesar Millan, he is brilliant!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 61/365 - Never Fear Halitosis

Have you ever been near someone that has bad breath and were afraid to tell them? That's why these babies are a great thing to keep close by! Give one to them and you will thank you. They are so strong ("Curiously Strong") that they would freshen anyone's breath. At least temporarily until you can get out of the room!

As you can see form this photo, I used the green screen, but as I keep forgetting, you can't have any green in your subject (see left Altoids box).

dislcaimer: I am not affiliated with the makers of Altoids, however, if they want to pay me for the free advertisement they can follow me at and send me a message.

Day 60/365 - Plant Decoration Shot

[Resent 2011-03-02 13:22:55 from mike] We have a bunch of different plant decorations in the house, the kind that don't die. This one seemed to be a nice pick for today's photo! I can't wait until the spring and summer come. I'm going to have a blast capturing landscapes and plant life.